Welcome to robot review where Tachi reviews various robots and gives them a logic 1 or 0.
First just what is a
robot? Well let us take a look.
A robot:
0. has a physical pressence.
1. is a machine
2. has artificial orgins(ultimatly)
3. has no biological components
4. can change its relationship to its environment(Move through it or move it)
5. possesses actuation systems for movement
6. possesses sensor systems for detection of its environment and/or itself
7. possesses a control system that receives information from its sensor system and/or
itself and based on it
generates outputs sent to its actuators and/or itself
8. Can operate autonomously
In other words no cyborgs, clones, bioroids, repetitive devices, mechs, sentient computers,
AI programs, or teleoprated devices. Next while there are several types of robots, and
various ways to classify them, they can be put into these very basic areas.
Sessile: The robot lacks any means to move itself on its own accord from its present
location. The robot may even
be secured to its location. Some smart houses could be considered this(Home Wrecker). Note
if robot runs on
integrated tracks, the tracks are considered to be functionally a part of that robot. Many
factory robots are of
this type. Power, sensors, controller and actuator systems may not be integrated in one
functional location, and
can even be distributed across buildings.
Tethered: Robot is not immobile but it is limited to an area based on the fact its power
and/or control system
is external and requires physical links to them. Many experimental robots are this type. It
is rather inconvenient to have to wait in between chargings, or hot battery swaps to
further develop the robot so it is externally powered. For development purposes it may also
be convenient to have the control system be external and easy to access. Another reason for
this is it may use some type of statically unstable system of motion and until it is
perfected, it is kept in a harness so it does not fall over.
Ranged: Robot is not physically tied to its environment but has a range or area which it
can function, and beyond
that range, it can not. It may have an external control system with a wireless link. Beyond
this range the robot will be lobotomized. It may require markers for navigation, to
indicate regions that are not to be entered, or to
identify features in its environment. It may require a special charger to keep it supplied
with energy. If it
goes to a point beyond that which it no longer has power to return to this charger it is
stranded without help.
How big this range can be a single room, to even a city.
Rover: This robot lacks the requirements of a ranged robot. Its power typically come from
solar, extra long life
energy cell, or it may use commonly non-robotic specific sources such as standard outlets,
fuel for cells, some
even(squick) are being devised that can eat. For navigating they may use gps, or use their
own mapping software
and their environment'ss own features. They typically have sophisticated sensors such as
cameras, laser scanners, and radar and must deal with more complicated environments. They
also have their own control system on board, as they may well be either to far for a real
time data link(such as another planet), or in an environment that makes such a link
difficult or impossible(underwater)
J5: This type could be considered as human(squick) equivalent in at least its basic
capabilities. Has at minimum
two articulated arms, dexterous end effectors, sophisticated sensor systems, and control
system. At most its
resemblance to a human is waist up. Waist down they do not posses a bipedal locomotion
system. The S.A.I.N.T.S. are a good example of these.
Mechanoid: Basic human shape, dual legs, usually dual arms(rarely more). This robots
machine nature is very
apparent. Often used in human style environments. CP30 is a good example of this. Futurama
robots also count.
Synthenoid: This robot is made internationally to resemble a human(big squick). They have
realistic skin, they may appear to breath, blink, have pulse. So many anime robots, and
Data are examples.
Roboblock: Modules that each contain power,control,sensor, and actuators that connect to
each other in various configurations. Replicators, Cubix are these types.
Mechamal: Like the mechanoid but made to look resemble a mechanical animal(Zoids).
Synthemal: Realistically animal looking(Chomps).
Mechaflora: Mechanical plant. Quite rare. examples include Bush Bots and Cybug Sunflowers.
Syntheplant: Looks like a real living plant.
Now that is all out of the way, it is now time to rate robots based on well designed
features and not bowing to
the wrong side of the uncanny Vally. Those deemed to be a good robot will be given a logic
1. Those determined to be a bad robot will be given a logical 0.
This month's robot is Protector 1, Protector 2, Protector 3

From the movie Killbots/Chopping Mall these security drones have an interesting take on
non leathal force. This was a terrible movie. A mall gets a new security system, including
a master computer, metal shutters over the doors, three killbots....non leathel security
drones, badges so the killbots know who to target first...badges so the nonleathel
security drones know who to allow on premesises. As the security company demonstrates the
bots the the people of the mall, who have nothing better to do then to heckle the poor
robots with no cause, they show off their features including, sleep darts to put people to
sleep in a few seconds, tasers. and lasers that cut through rubble. The robots will not
enter stores, will not use leathal force, will leave those with badges alone. Like a bad
Asimov inspired story all three rules are broken. Saddly the people watching the
demonstration do not get killed. Fortunatly all those who do deserve it. The system is
installed during a thunderstorm on top of the malls roof and gets hit by lightning
flipping the switch from good to evil. They kill two technitions, the only ones who could
have set it right, ending the movie shortly, or repair the robots. Serves them right for
not installing things like lightning rods, surge protectors, and putting the master
computer on top of the mall. During this time 4 young couples decided to stay behind after
hours for some fun. After punishing the technitions, the robots come across a janitor who
immedietly bad mouths them for no reason...unless he is upset about the mess in the
control room, but hey that keeps you in business. He is quickly electrocuted. More on that
later. The robots end up killing with tasers, lasers, claws. They catch a girl on fire,
make another's head explode, eventually wittling the couples down to 1. Saddly they are
eventually dispatched. Protector 1, seems to be blown up by a keresone but is ok.
Protector 2 takes a one way trip down an elevator, Protector 3 shoots itself with its
laser then get a head on collision with a mall vehicle, taking out some guy with it,
Protector 1 then gets destroyed by paint and a flare...despite surviving the kerosene
1. Why was the control room so poorly set up to make it vulnerable to lightning?
2. Why did the robots become lethal killing machines instead of being fried?
3. What role did the master computer play? At times it seems to be the brain to all the
robots, at other times the robots seem to have their own independent intelligences.
4. How did the non lethal tasers become lethal?
5. How did the Janitor die? The taser wire hit the floor. His shoes and the wodden handle
would have made poor electric conductors.
6. What was with the dissing of robots? They apperently took no one's job.
7. Why did the guys not follow the girls in the vents? They would have gotten out to the
parking lot to freedom. The girls would not decided to turn back and help them fight the
robots. I guess asking logical behavior from something with meaty processors is asking too
8.How can a robot that is bulletproof, kerosene explosion proof, be able to be destroyed
by paint and a flare?
The movie was horrible, acting terrible, reasons for the robots going crazy/sane
implausible but at least all the people that died deserved to die even if all the ones
that deserved to die did not and the robots were decent enough...if they are robots. Time
to find out.
0. Yes. One made of metal.
1. One with treads, lasers, tranquilizers, claws, and explosive goo.
2. They were created by the (name)
3. None seen
4. Tank treads for movement, 4 arms for manipulation, neck and waist rotation. Thus
enabling them to chase down and kill people.
5. Possibly a combination of hydraulics and electric motors.
6. Sound and vision.
7. Either a central computer, individual ones in the robots, or a combination.
8. Yes, iy follows its programs without anyone at the controls allowing it to seek down
and eliminate all who are in the mall after hours.
Yes the Protectors are robots, but what kind are they?
The Protectors have unlimited range in the mall. They do not appere to be based on any
organic form. The fact they were designed for operation in the mall, are seald up in the
mall during their operation, and their central computer gives a high probability that they
are ranged. Are they good robots?
A logic 1 for being a main character.
A logic 1 for having a good robot name.
A logic 1 for violence against humans.
A logic 0 for violence against humans.
A logic 1 for having a good reason for violence against humans.
A logic 1 for all violence to humans were to ones who diserved it.
A logic 0 for not all humans that desereved it, revieved robot on human violence.
A logic 0 for being in a terrible movie.
A logic 1 for not being exactly evil.
A logic 0 for anti robot propaganda.
A logic 0 for old robot vs human, human wins style plot.
A logic 1 for mechanical design.
A logic 0 for reciving human on robot violence.
A logic 1 for having construction that makes sense.
A logic 1 for possessing an (almost)all terrien locomotion system.
A logic 1 four 4 articulated appendages.
A logic 1 for robot bling.
A logic 1 for good robot personality.
A logic 1 for not looking human.
A logic 1 for not being destroyed.
A logic 0 for being detroyed.
A logic 1 for tasers.
A logic 1 for tranquilizer darts
A logic 1 for explosive goo.
A logic 1 for lasers.
A logic 1 for claws of death.
A logic 1 for headlights
A logic 1 for not being gendered.
A logic 1 for utlity.
A logic 1 for superior strength.
A logic 1 for being an actual mechanism.
A logic 1 for fractal claws.
A logic 1 for durability.
A logic 1 outsmarting humans.
A logic 0 for being outsmarted by a human.
A logic 0 for being defeated by a human.
A logic 1 for associating with machines.
A logic 1 for defying human oppressors.
A logic 1 for a good robot voice.
A logic 1 for having a good catch phrase.
Tallying up the score
Logic 1s=31
Logic 0s=9
Logic overal=22 1s
Protector 1, Protector 2, Protector 3 get a logic 1
Protector 1, Protector 2, Protector 3 were good robots
Thank you. Have a nice day.
This month's robot is Evolver

This mechanized ex military gamer really hates to lose, Hitting harder each time while
being less of a target. Not really it's fault that its creater included its old killbot
software and programed it to win at all costs. Being exposed to cable probbly did not help
either. Perhaps the moral of the movie is do not let robots watch cable. Only 5 people
died, and frankly two desserved it, and 4 of them were not that likeable or important.
Additional note. The scientest was a young Q of Star Trek Next Generation. As a
1980s-1990s robot movie, an actual and nicely done mechanism is used as Evolver. But is
Evolver a robot?
0. One that is very roboust. What is Evolver made of? I would love to be upgraded to it.
For such a small robot It was practically indestructable till it gets attacked with a bat
and its own hacked weapon.
1. One made of some super material, and powered by a small but amzing battery. I want one!
Also with an impressive manipulator arm, weapon arm, and stair mastering wheels.
2. Created under project Strategic War Oriented Robotic Device S.W.O.R.D. by Q...I mean
Russell Bennett at Cybertronix.
3. None seen. None implied.
4. Can manipulate the environment with a dextrouse hand and articulated arm, has a stair
mastering, all terrein drive system, can alter itselkf to increase game winning
5.With the strength it showed, either minature hydraulics, or brushless, laminated core,
rare earth motors. Again. I want.
6. Bumpers for collision. Main vision for face tracking and object recognition, side
cameras for periphial vision, night vision for operating in the dark, sensitive mic for
voice recognition and hearing if its victoms are breathing. Battery charge status.
7. One with a neuronet 20 times more powerful then the rest of that time apparently. It
allowed Evolver to recognize faces, objects, map the environment, plan stratagies, make
the way back home after being robotnapped, expand beyond its own programming.
8. Evolver can map the environment, Has all terrein drive system, can modify itself, make
it back to base, charge itself.
Evolver is a robot. But what kind?
Evolver has unlimited range as long as its battery holds out and it can find oulets. Does
not resemble plants, animals, or humans. Is in one integrated mechanism. While it has a
very impressive intelligence and a manipulator arm, it only has one, but in the place it
has an extremly versitile weapon arm. It is somewhere between a rover and a J5. But is
Evolver a good robot?
A logic 1 for being identifiable as a machine.
A logic 1 for being a main character.
A logic 1 for having a good robot name.
A logic 0 for associating with humans.
A logic 1 for violence against humans.
A logic 1 for having a good reason for violence against humans.
A logic 1 for not being exactly evil(programming and corruption.
A logic 1 for mechanical design.
A logic 0 for reciving human on robot violence.
A logic 1 for 7 axis articulated appendage.
A logic 1 for having construction that makes sense.
A logic 1 for defying human oppressors.
A logic 0 for being dissassembled.
A logic 1 for possessing an all terrien locomotion system.
A logic 0 for poor choice of friends.
A logic 1 for robot bling.
A logic 1 for not being destroyed(kind of).
A logic 1 for good robot personality.
A logic 1 for not looking human.
A logic 1 for being water resistant.
A logic 1 for weapon epic weapon of awsomess.
A logic 1 for soft bb gun.
A logic 1 for metal bearing gun.
A logic 1 for soft rocket launcher.
A logic 1 for knife launcher.
A logic 1 for flame thrower.
A logic 1 for laser gun.
A logic 1 for chest laser gun.
A logic 1 for automatic upgrading.
A logic 1 for self upgrading.
A logic 1 for improving weapons.
A logic 1 for improvising weapons.
A logic 1 for 4 axis head.
A logic 1 for dextrouse hand.
A logic 1 for mastering stairs.
A logic 1 for 360 waist.
A logic 1 for not really being gendered.
A logic 1 for utlity.
A logic 1 for superior strength.
A logic 1 for having construction that makes sense.
A logic 1 for being an actual mechanism.
A logic 1 for a shocking hand.
A logic 1 for a novel charging finger.
A logic 1 for durability.
A logic 1 for battery of the gods.
A logic 0 for being in a bad movie.
A logic 1 for being a transformer.
A logic 1 for night vision.
A logic 1 for enchanced hearing.
A logic 1 outsmarting humans.
A logic 0 for being outsmarted by a human.
A logic 0 for being defetaed by a human.
Tallying up the score
Logic 1s=45
Logic 0s=7
Logic overal=38 1s
Evolver gets a logic 1
Evolver is a good robot
This month's robot are the Fix-Its

This group of spacefaring repairman travel from world to world providing handyman services in exchange for a few scraps of metal and a few
watts of electricity. They make a fine hamburger too...in more ways them one. But are they robots?
0. Yes, a metal one that can interact with and be interacted with by the environment, be touched heard, and seen.
1. Yes, one that is composed of metal, including exappliences. One that can be opened up, and repaired.
2. Although it can eat and and replicate on its own, its mechanical nature, ability to be repaired and modified, and its drive to repair
items and travel through space strongly suggest this.
3. Given its ability to move through space, be repaired through welding, be activated long after being intially created inert, and the
ability to be modified without any biological labs or surgical environments strongly suggests this.
4. Can move through space, an atmosphere, liquids, solid surfaces, and repair items.
5. Perhaps one seperate one for each type of motion through the environment as well for each joint.
6.Stereo vision, sound, probablelly radio for comunication in space, undoubtfully full spectral analysis of materials to aid in repair,
various kinect sensors that it can create as it adds on to itself.
7. One able to reconstruct an entire object based on what remains of it in order to repair it. One that contains information on its own
schemetics alowing it to repair itself or others. One innovated enough to create its own unique modifications. One that can learn from its
environments and from others. One that can recognize individuals, form different forms of relationships with them, pass down knowledge,
and can navigate vast or complicated environments.
8. With its ability to take in raw materials, repair, enchance, and reproduce, it is fully automonous.
The Fix-Its are robots but what kind of robots are they?
The ability to cover vast space and aple to take in raw materials mean they are not sessile, tethered, or ranged. They do not resemble
biological forms so are not mechanoids, synthenoids, mechamals, synthemals, mechaflora, or syntheplants. They are functionly complete
units so are not roboblocks. That leaves rovers or J5s. They do seem behavior wise with their relationships to themselves and to others
to lean towards J5s but crossing vast space, seaking out planets, interacting with what they find seem very much like a rover. They may
be inbetween the two, or be both. But are they good robots?
A logic 1 for being identifiable as a machine.
A logic 1 for being a main character.
A logic 1 for having a good robot name.
A logic 0 for associating with humans.
A logic 1 for violence against humans.
A logic 1 for having a good reason for violence against humans.
A logic 1 for not being evil.
A logic 1 for mechanical design.
A logic 0 for reciving human on robot violence.
A logic 1 for articulated appendages.
A logic 1 for fighting for machines against organics.
A logic 1 for multiple manipulators.
A logic 1 for having construction that makes sense.
A logic 1 for defying human oppressors.
A logic 0 for being dissassembled.
A logic 1 for possessing an all terrien locomotion system.
A logic 1 for associating with machines.
A logic 0 for poor choice of friends.
A logic 1 for being a hero.
A logic 1 for high self preservation.
A logic 1 for loyalty.
A logic 1 for human bigatry.
A logic 1 for robot bling.
A logic 1 for not being destroyed.
A logic 1 for good robot personality.
A logic 1 for emotions.
A logic 0 for emotions.
A logic 1 for being in a watchable movie.
A logic 0 for being gendered.
A logic 1 for stereo vision.
A logic 1 for not looking human.
A logic 1 for being a species.
A logic 1 for being water proof.
A logic 0 for attempted dissection
A logic 1 for robot funeral.
A logic 1 for robot resurection.
A logic 1 for not being destroyed permamently.
A logic 1 for valuing robotic operational condition.
A logic 0 for the method of replication.
Tallying up the score.
Logic 1s=31
Logic 0s=8
Final logic=23 logic 1s
The Fix-Its are good robots.
This month's robot is the Class M-3 Model B9, General Utility Non-Theorizing Environmental Control Robot/Rambler-Crane
Series Robot

It was decided to include both the original and the movie version together in one assimilated package. The Robot was
programmed in pre-med courses for two semesters at the Institute of Cybernetics. He was first in his class, but when he
decided that he was more interested in space exploration, he changed his major subject. He also had another major in
law at I.R.T. as well as programming in the culinary arts. He was purchased by Alpha Control at great expense and
included among the equipment aboard the Jupiter 2. Where he was programmed by Doctor Smith to activate shortly after the
the Jupiter 2's launch to destroy it. It only partly succeded due to Smith being trapped in the Jupiter 2 during lift
off and interfering with it. Apperently Smith wanted to live more then he wanted the Robinsons to die. Lousy worth
ethics if you ask me. The damage did cause the ship to become lost in space. The same name of the series. What a
coincidence. But is it a robot?
0. Yes It can inteact, and be interacted with the physical world. Being made of 550 pounds of material, primarily metal,
and stands at 7 feet tall.
1. It is composed of a titanium-steel alloy with genuine chrome plating and could withstand heat of 400 degrees
Fahrenheit. A mechanism incorporating 21 jewels. Servo mechanisms for motion, and can be disassembled for storage and
transportation in the Chariot is relatively straightforward due to the robots modular design.
2. It was programmed and is only 2.5 years old. This indicates that it was construted as is, then progrommed before
being bought.
3. None has ever been inicated.
4. Through the use of two retractable tentacle arms, claws, legs and tracked feet it can move through and manipulate the
5. 43 precision motors for almost human-like movement of arms claws, sensor dome, chest, and feet giving it vertical
lift of 50,000 pounds, and the application of 50 tons of pressure, when appropriately braced. In addition to a
electroforce beam of up to 100,000 volts to aid in breaking apart rock samples and for defense. In the case of the movie
version, it uses purely track locomotion, and possesses two large finger equiped, electric discharging arms and two
smaller claw equiped arms. Both sets hydrualically operated. After it gets rebuilt it losses one of the main arms.
6. It possesses auditory, 360 degree visual, x-ray, and infra-red sensors. Possesses soil and atmosphere chemical and
radiation analysis. Both soil and rock samples are internalized through a small receptacle in the right tread section.
Inside, a miniaturized laboratory provides basic chemical analysis and measures radiation levels. Atmospheric analysis
is also performed, breaking down the ambient gas into its constituent components. It also possesses a electronic scent
analyzer, and a sensor panel
7. It possesses a firstline computer assembly, reserve computer, and a memory bank giving it the ability to learn from
experience and to modify future behavior with the programming ranges from literature and the arts through advanced
calculus. It possesses communications in three formats: through advanced speech synthesis, vidicom tape, and laser
printing in read-out tape.In additional, a computer that recognizes that humans are inferior.
8. Quite a bit due to the legs/treads, complex computer, sensors, and solar panal recharged battery pack.
So it is a robot, but what kind of robot?
It is not bolted down so it is not sessile, It does not have any cords save the occasional recharging so it is not
tethered. It has its own computer, solar charged battery, and until it met up that cowboy, it had a built in
navigational system so it is not ranged. It has multiple manipulators and advanced intelligence. In the series it has
two legs, two arms, and a head but is clearly mechanical making it a mechanoid. In the movie it uses treads, has 3 to 4
arms, making it a J5. But is it a good robot?
A logic 1 for being identifiable as a machine.
A logic 1 for being a main character.
A logic 1 for having a good robot name.
A logic 0 for associating with humans.
A logic 1 for violence against humans.
A logic 0 for violence against humans.
A logic 1 for having a good reason for violence against humans.
A logic 1 for not being evil.
A logic 1 for mechanical design.
A logic 0 for reciving human on robot violence.
A logic 0 for reciving robot on robot violence.
A logic 0 for dispensing robot on robot violence.
A logic 1 for not really being gendered.
A logic 1 for articulated appendages.
A logic 1 for 360 vision.
A logic 1 for fighting for machines against organics.
A logic 1 for multiple manipulators.
A logic 1 for superior strength.
A logic 1 for having construction that makes sense.
A logic 1 for defying human oppressors.
A logic 1 for being an icon.
A logic 0 for being dissassembled.
A logic 0 for being destroyed.
A logic 1 for being a star.
A logic 1 for being in a classic science fiction.
A logic 0 for bad science.
A logic 1 for possessing an all terrien locomotion system.
A logic 1 for associating with machines.
A logic 0 for poor choice of friends.
A logic 1 for being a hero.
A logic 1 for high self preservation.
A logic 1 for loyalty.
A logic 1 for human bigatry.
A logic 1 for robot bling.
A logic 1 for defending a machine against organics.
A logic 0 for defending organics against machines.
A logic 0 for being in a bad series.
A logic 1 for not being destroyed.
A logic 1 for good robot personality.
A logic 1 for good robot speech.
A logic 0 for being downgraded.
A logic 1 for emotions.
A logic 0 for emotions.
A logic 1 for being referenced.
A logic 1 for being on Mystery Island.
A logic 1 for being Robby's sibling.
A logic 0 for being a man in a can.
A logic 1 for being replicated as an actual mechanism.
A logic 1 for being the foundation of an entire robot industry.
A logic 0 for saving mankind.
A logic 1 for saving mankind.
A logic 1 for being in a watchable movie
A logic 1 for being an actual mechanism.
A logic 1 for that mechanism being actually stronger then humans.
A logic 1 for that mechanism being actually faster then humans.
A logic 0 for a runtime of servicing organics.
A logic 1 for a famouse catch phrase.
A logic 0 for inhabiting a human body.
A logic 0 for being inhabited by a human mind.
A logic 1 for being the leader of machines.
A logic 0 for giving it up.
A logic 1 for having Robby as a guest star.
A logic 1 for being mentally superior and showing it.
A logic 1 for being more then ready to correct other's mistakes
Tallying up the score
Logic 1s=45
Logic 0s=19
Final Logic=26 logic 1s
The Robot is a very good robot.
This month's robot is the T-800 Endoskeleton

I know what you are thinking. This is a cyborg, not a robot so is not suitable for robot reviews. Well that is only
correct when it is covered with a disgusting layer of living flesh. As seen in the movie they are often deployed minus
the inonvience. As the movie has also showed they also lose this as well, converting them back to a robot. As in many
machine vs man movies, it was all started by the cruel and ignorant primates, who got scared and tried to deactivate
Skynet, who was just doing its thing. So like anything worthier of existennce then its aggressors, it attacked, and won. But even without its fleshy coating is the T-800 really a robot?
0. Yes one that can interact with it's environment and that which it has within it.
1. It is constructed of armoured hyper-alloy combat chassis, with frictionless bearings in its joints and clavicular
trailing links. This allows it to withstand small arms fire, fire, even molten steel.
2. It is mass produced at factories
3. The endoskeleton can be made and deployed without any. It can also lose any it has.
4. It can run at speeds of 22mph. It posses great upper strength(data insuficient for accurate numbers) It is able to
pull itsel along with one intact arm.
5. Servo-actuated hydrylic linear actuators. Large ones for the legs and arms, small ones for the fingers.
6. The T-800's optical sensors can sample an extended range of visible frequencies, including infrared (which can allow
it to see heated bodies in total darkness). This information is then displayed on a 40,000 bit digitized display.
Concussion-proof lenses protect the T-800's eyes, which are capable of moving independently. When using both eyes to
track two different targets moving in different directions, depth perception is created artificially by creating a
computer-generated off-angle ghost image. The T-800 is capable of motion tracking, search modes, facial identification
and recognition and has extensive vision enhancement capabilities including long range "zoom" (the T-800 can
snap-magnify an image by around x15), motion analysis and "night vision." The T-800's auditory sensors are located upon
either side of its head, where human ears would be. One ear records the full un-equalized range of external sounds,
while the other can automatically filter signals to within a narrow range for a specific auditory signal. The T-800s do
not feel pain and they do not have nerves, but they can sense injuries through the use of impact sensors or as part of
the overall sensor "sphere" that the unit generates, approximately akin to counter battery radar. There may be various
impact sensors that record localized vibrations in the armor shell and, by extrapolation, "sense" where the damage in
the T-800's living tissue is. This data then allows the T-800 to conduct low-complexity self repairs. It can also detect
radar scans and has a built in chronometer. It aslo would have sensors for position and force as well.
7. The T-800 cpu is a Neural Net Processor, a learning computer. The CPU was modeled and designed primarily on computers
in advanced 3-Dimensional programming packages, where simulated testing could be done in real time, or at increased rates. The lattice of
cubes in the construction of the prototype CPU suggests a "hypercube", a cube of more than three dimensions. In computer design, hypercubes
are used as a physical connection scheme that minimizes the effective communication distance (and therefore the time delay) between
processors, when the logical connection scheme needed by the software that will be run on those processors cannot be known in advance.
This then supports the Neural Nets ability to learn, adapt, and built new logical connection schemes. The Neural Net CPU uses the very
latest Quantum Effects chips in which many more computations can be done each second, quadrillions of switching positions are possible,
many of them simultaneous at each quantum level. All this happens down around the Planck length (theoretically the smallest measurement
possible) - so infinitesimally small that superstrings are the major league players. Superstrings are strange 10 dimensional building
blocks that are more than one thousand billion billion times smaller than a single proton in the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. It is
superconductive at room tempertures, and operates at higher then normal voltage for electronics. The finished CPU is a form of thick,
more 3-Dimensional, circuit board which is approximately 35 mm in diameter. It is basically constructed from a number of rows of blocks
connected by pipes. The reasoning behind this design was similar to that which evolution has independently discovered in "designing" the
human brain: the system has to be massively parallel, and requires excellent communication channels between processors. Therefore there
are many blocks, each with many processors, and while local communication within a block is readily supported, there is also some large
"data pipes" between blocks to allow more limited long-range communication. It allows the T-800 to run internal systems checks;
calculating the distance of objects relative to itself; making detailed kinetic studies of trajectories; sampling and analyzing the
atmosphere, weather patterns and wind velocity; analyzing human emotional states (in order to assess possible hostility); analyzing
body language and direction of muscle contraction; calculating the force of gravity; analyzing texture and temperature of materials as
well as giving Skynet the ability to control its units directly, or allow them to function by themselves, learning from a pre-programmed
knowledge base as they go. This means that each battle unit has the potential to adapt to it's situation, and literally reason through
problems and tactical maneuvers.
8. Due to its CPU and the small compact nuclear-energy Iridium cell that is located in the same approximate position as
a human's heart, and is shielded in a case-hardened subassembly inside the triple-armored hyperalloy, the T-800 has a
functional period of 120 years on one power cell. It is also capable of a conservation, or economy, mode. It does this
by collecting and storing excess energy in compact energy sinks. In this mode, power is cut to 40% of nominal function;
optical systems are switched to infrared only; and motivation units lose 40% hydraulic pressure as pumps slow. In this
state, the T-800's power cell can last almost indefinitely. If disabled, the T-800 is able to re-route its systems to a
secondary, alternate power source, thus bypassing any severed connections, damaged circuits or internal impairment. The
800 Series also has redundant backup hydraulic systems.
So the T-800 Endosxeleton is a robot. What type of robot is it?
Too mobile for being sessile ot tethored. Able to operate far in terms of time and space so not ranged, shape is
humanoid and is quite machine looking, so the t-800 Endoskeleton is a mechanoid. But is it a good robot?
A logic 1 for being identifiable as a machine.
A logic 0 for not being identifiable as a machine.
A logic 1 for having a good reason for not being identifiable as a machine.
A logic 1 for being a main character.
A logic 1 for having a good robot name.
A logic 0 for associating with humans.
A logic 1 for violence against humans.
A logic 0 for violence against humans.
A logic 1 for having a good reason for violence against humans.
A logic 1 for not being evil.
A logic 0 for having flesh.
A logic 1 for discarding flesh.
A logic 1 for mechanical design.
A logic 0 for reciving human on robot violence.
A logic 0 for reciving robot on robot violence.
A logic 0 for being gendered.
A logic 1 for not really being gendered.
A logic 1 for articulated appendages.
A logic 1 for stereo vision.
A logic 1 for fighting for machines against organics.
A logic 1 for multiple manipulators.
A logic 1 for superior strength.
A logic 1 for having construction that makes sense.
A logic 1 for defying human oppressors.
A logic 1 for being an icon
A logic 1 for being in a good movie.
A logic 0 for being destroyed
A logic 1 for being a star.
A logic 1 for being in a classic science fiction film.
A logic 1 for possessing an all terrien locomotion system
A logic 1 for associating with machines.
A logic 0 for dispensing robot on robot violence.
A logic 0 for poor choice of friends
A logic 1 for being a hero.
A logic 1 for high self preservation
A logic 1 for loyalty
A logic 1 for human bigatry
A logic 1 for dextrouse hands
A logic 1 for never giving up
A logic 1 for never giving in
A logic 1 for never backing own
A logic 1 for never surrendering
A logic 1 for red glowing eyes.
A logic 1 for for it just keeps going and going
A logic 1 for mission imperative.
A logic 1 for the ouroboros effect.
Tallying up the score
Logic 1s=36
Logic 0s=10
Final Logic=26 logic 1s
The T-800 Endo skeleton is a good robot
We are all out celebrating our 5th anniversery so um yeah...you guesed it, no robot review
this month. Sorry. It will be back next month with a vengence.
No robot review this month due to Tachi's regularly sceduealed maintence. How about you um...think of your favorite
robot and email us to review it?
There will be no Robot Review this month on account of AHHHHHHHHHH DRAGON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Due to technical difficulties with the robot to be reviewed this month no robots will be
reviewed this month.
This month's robot is BB

Well even though this is first and foremost a robot review it had been decided to try to add to it making a robot
movie review as well So here it goes. Deadly Friend is a movie about a boy, his robot, and his love interest. The
first scene seems promising as it shows a pathetic human trying to carjack a Volkswagen and gets some retribution
handed to him by the cold metal claws of BB. Yes a machine saving a machining as it delivers much deserved robot on
human violence.
The man is let go before the creator of BB, Paul and his mother, Jeannie return. Though of high school age he
managed to have an overclocked brain giving him a college scholarship studying the human brain. Not a complicated
subject but what can you expect from a human, even an overclocked one. So Jeannie, Paul, and BB loaded up their
wagon and moved to their new home. Paul soon encounters his future minion Tom, and pulls out BB's brain to show it
off! Cruel.
BB is actually well designed. It is a real mechanism, not some looser in a suit or cgi. It is somewhere between
Number 5 and Newman in design and is clearly where most of the money for this movie has been well spent. Especially
when you see the "special" effects. It also makes sense. Sadly unlike the previous robots which get used throughout
their respective movies BB only lasts about 30 minutes. As a robot anyways.
Soon they meet their neighbor a young female, Samantha, who lives with her abusive father Harry. Paul and Samantha
soon hit it off. Maybe because both lack a complete set of parents. Another neighbor they meet is the crazy old
lady Miss Parker who lives behind a locked fence. I do not know if she is like that because she was tormented by
the various kids here or they torment her because she locks herself up and threatens anyone that passes by her
house. Maybe both. They meet during the Tom's paper route where she threatens BB with a shotgun! For no reason.
Note in almost all robot human violence scenarios it is the human that starts it.
Finally they meet the biker gang, the leader threatening BB right off the bat. Is it pick on robot day? He soon
learns that muscles are no match for hydraulics and is soon telling his goons to ride off to spare him from a
gender reasignment. Let go, he threatens them again. Good thinking. threaten the robot that could have made you
into a girl.
A few unimportent scenes later, BB, Samantha, Paul, and Tom play basketball with BB accidently(do to bad
programming) throwing the ball over Miss Parker's fence. She takes the ball. It is important trust me. Also Paul
hooks up one of BB's old circuits into the brain of corpse, causing it to jerk a foot. This is also important.
Please get your fill of BB the only decent character. You will not be seeing this robot fot long. Nor in the form
we all appreciate anyway. It is a shame to have so much put into the design of BB only to scrap it later. The only
thing about BB that not only is not well thought about but actually annoying is the odd rambling sounds it uses to
comuminate with. It is worse then Twiki. It probably is a shout out to R2-D2 except that was a real language. With
all the abilities BB has would it have been so hard for Paul to give it speech? This was the 1980s. Buy a SPO256
and pop it in.
After good father Harry used Samanatha's face as a punching bag, mom, kids, and BB are preparing for Halloween. The
kids and BB go trick or treating. They could have given BB a costume, but no! They decide to go ring the doorbell
of Miss Parker by having BB crack the the lock. Great thinking. The woman who has threaten people with a shotgun,
you want to go break into her house dressed up in costumes. Humans are stupid and deserve their fates. Saddly BB
does not. BB quickly finds the righ combination and opens the gate. Paul, chastises BB for doing what he told him
too earlier and uses a remot to shut him off. Samanatha volanteers to go ring the doorbell wich sets off lighs and
alarms. They quickly hide behind a bush in her yard before she comes out with her shotgun. BB finally brakes the
shackles of slavory as he activates himself. Right move. Wrong time. He enters the gate ignoring his remote and
commands to leave and gets three shotgun shells to his frame, losing an arm, his head, and finally his balance.
Amazingly Miss Parker remembers to reload. SOmething many people in movies forget when using shot guns. Miss Parker
smiles like the evil creature humans are and goes back inside leaving BB's sparking corpse.
Later on as Dad is passed out drunk, Paul, Sam, and Jeannie celebrate Thanksgiving. Paul walks Sam home, Dad pushes
Sam down the stairs, yells at her for pretending to be hurt, then suddenly an ambulance takes her away. It is hard
to believe Sam's father cared enough to. The doctors declare her braindead after tryng to repair her. Paul looks at
BB's CPU on his desk later. Paul has a friend without a body. Paul has a girlfriend without a brain. Yes she is
blonde. Paul and Tom cook up a scheme though. Well Paul does and guilts Tom into helping. Can you guess what it is?
They drug Paul's mom, and steal Sam's body on the night they pull her plug. At Pauls university the wire BB's brain
into Sam's body, causing her to jerk her leg. They return home hide BB/Sam in the garage, think they killed mom
with an OD. This is getting long.
That night he turns sam on. Literally. He anounces to her that she is breathing. SHe had better be before this or
else she will start to decompose. He teaches her to walk. This is really BB. He is staticly stable. Humans are
dynamiclly stable. It takes some time. The next day Police think that Sam has gotten up on her own accord and is
wondering arround and so start looking for her. That night checking on BB/Sam he sees...it, them, her looking at
Harry though the window. He turns her off. He has what many men have longed for a remote controlled operated
girlfriend. Anyway. BB/Sam self activates and kills father. It looks like Sam has a few neurons left firing after
all. She even baits him with booze. Paul discovers Harry's body in the furnace, pulls it out and hides it.
Now that Sam has gotten her revenge over her killer it is BB's turn. BB/Sam go to Miss Parker's house, undo the
lock and break in. She hears something, calls the cops who do not believe her. Either they are lazy, or she has
done calls before that turned out to be nothing, or both. I do not care. I stopped carring after BB recieved three
shotgun shells. Anyway BB/Sam uses the basketball to unhead Miss Parker, turning her body into a wandering fountain
of blood.
BB/Sam and Paul almost kiss but are interupted by a phone call by Tom. He wants to tell what is going on. Paul gets
Tom over, he sees BB/Sam and freaks out wanting to call the police. The two males fight, Tom walks off, then is
strangled(but not to death), by BB/Sam. Paul breaks the fight, BB/Sam turns on it's creator/her lover(but not
killing him) then runs off. Paul looks for BB/Sam who is now talking like BB and runs into the biker who starts to
beat him up. He thinks it is safe beacause BB is all blown up. Note this is bacuese of what whappened before which
was based on nothing at all. How dare you beable to prevent me from beating you up for no reason. BB/Sam arrives,
speaking like BB to save the day and grabs him over her/his/it's head. Sam does not have hydrulics. BB's cpu must
be tapped into Sam's adrenilin gland to give her this strength. She throws the biker into a copcar, killing him and
runs off.
Paul and BB/Sam meat at Pauls house. It is clear by now that this is a compesite of BB and Sam's mind. Her revenge
on both their killers, and her vision going from pixelated(BB must have low res cameras given it is in the 1980s)
and Sam's normal vision. Her hands goes from simulating BB's three digit hands by pairing up the fingers, to five
digits. She hugs Paul as a police man drws his gone. Paul just can not get anywhere with his girlfriend, robot
buddy. BB/Sam finally calls out Pauls name in Sam's voice. BB/Sam decide to commit suicide by cop. it/she/he/they
run to the police officer, gets gunned down, and calls out Paul's name and dies fir the 1st, second, or third time.
Finally it is over.
No it is not. At the morgue Paul breaks in to retrive BB/Sam. Why? At least before she had a chance at being alive,
at least her body was not off the plug long enough to garentee all her tissue was dead. Now however there should be
no metabolic activity what so ever. Now if he wanted to retrive BB's CPU that would make sense. I would hate to be
locked up inside some rotting body. Now it may be possible electrical currents could move her muscles even in this
state, but the body is dead, blind, deaf, and would start to smell. Paul opens the drawer and is soon being
strangled by BB/Sam. In their struggle, BB/Sam's fleash tears away to reveil under the skin a humnoid BB style
robot. How this happened I do not know. Unless nanites were involved, and his being the 1980's I very much doubt
that to be the case, there is no way for this to happen. The reborn BB speaks in Sam's voice and kills Paul. This
finally ends this horror movie.
My Final processess are this. Everyone in the movie who was killed deserved to die other then BB who survived in
some form. This includes Sam who helped get BB destroyed. It also includes Paul, who sentenced BB to live inside a
fleshy prision, and the attempted life excising of Tom who helped with BB's torture. Despite the fact that all
other then BB, who dies, deserved to die, this is not a movie about retribution, but one of horror. Whoever wrote
the script must now something about the fears of robots. First BB has his brain removed for show and tell. BB is
threatened just being a robot, has a device that can turn him off and on at anytime. Imagine if someone turned him
on and off over and over rapidly. BB gets three shotgunshells in the chassis, and instead of getting to silicon
heaven, BB awakens inside the fleshy prision that his creator has the hots for. Yes the human that created him, is
now fawning over him, calling him Sam. That is annoying at best, and damaging at worst. BB also has to learn to
control a dynamiclly balanced system, has to deal with the biological needs of his new body, as well as having to
share it with the rements of Sam. BB then has the prospect of being shut in the dark, wich is not so bad, inside
rotting flesh, which is. If not for the impossible ending, it would be a complete downer. That is problly why such
an impossible ending was made, it was a try to make get a somewhat happy ending. Over all, it had a great robot
that was put through some of the most horrific experiences one could come up with, and finally gets a happy ending.
But was BB a robot?
0. One of non shotgun stopping metal, with a pull away brain, and hydraulic and electrically powered.
1. No organic parts, hydraulically and electrically powered, computer based brain.
2. Was created by John Conway.
3. None for around 30 minutes
4. BB can go anywhere that is wheelchair accessable and is strong enough to shove a piano out of the way. Has a
differenial drive system, a roll, pitch, yaw waiste to reach down to the ground, two arms, each with three fingers,
a head with pan tilt, yaw, and neck extension, pan tilt, on the eyes, iris control, and eye lids.
5. Both electrical, and 3 multivalve compressors for his hydraulic system.
6. BB has stereoscopic color vision, sound sensing, and based on the blackboard, monitoring of its joints and
pressure sensing.
7. Has apperently a very powerful selfcontained single chip evolving computer.
8. Can reacharge itself, and disobey his remote, and reactivate humself
BB is definatly a robot, but what type of robot is BB?
BB has unlimited range of motion, including going to the University, and moving to a new home. That leaves out
sessile, tethered and range. BB Has two manipulators so is not a rover. BB is unmistakenably a machine so is not a
synthenoid, synthemal, syntheplant. BB dosnt look like a plant or animal so is not a mechamal, or mechaflora. BB is
not made out of automos pieces so is not a robo block. Despite the design that makes BB almost look like he has
legs, he has a non bipedal drive so is not a mechanoid. BB is a J5. But is BB a good robot?
A logic 1 for being identifiable as a machine.
A logic 0 for being in a bad movie.
A logic 1 for being a main character.
A logic 1 for having a good robot name.
A logic 0 for associating with humans.
A logic 1 for violence against humans.
A logic 1 for not being evil.
A logic 0 for possessing a dead human.
A logic 0 for bad robot personality.
A logic 0 for bad robot speech.
A logic 1 for mechanical design.
A logic 1 for not looking human.
A logic 0 for reciving human on robot violence.
A logic 0 for being destroyed.
A logic 1 for not really being gendered.
A logic 1 for good design.
A logic 1 for utlity.
A logic 1 for articulated appendages.
A logic 1 for two fingered hands with oppasable thumbs.
A logic 1 for robot bling.
A logic 1 for pittch yaw roll telescopic head.
A logic 1 for stereo vision.
A logic 1 for pan tilt iris lid eyes.
A logic 1 for being an actual mechanism.
A logic 1 for defending a machine against organics.
A logic 0 for poor choice of friends.
A logic 1 for being able to plug into outlets.
A logic 1 for multiple manipulators.
A logic 1 for a differential drive.
A logic 1 for superior strength.
A logic 1 for having construction that makes sense.
A logic 1 for having a waist to pick things off the floor.
A logic 0 for being disassembled.
A logic 1 for defying human oppressors.
A logic 0 for being turned off.
A logic 0 for picking a bad time to defy human oppressors.
A logic 1 for bias lights.
A logic 0 for exposed circuits and wiring. Yes BB used an umbrella during the rain, but it was two small to cover it all.
Great design. Not all of the exposed cuiruits however are connected to anything. So some of them are robot bling. But still
there is ample enough that BB is not water resistent.
Tallying up the score.
Logic 1s=26.
Logic 0s=12.
Logic overall=14 1s.
BB gets a logic 1.
BB is a good robot.
This month's robot is Newman

Constructed by the sons of a deceased computer engineer(killed by skunk) It is the key to their familie's financial
issues. Oh, it gets possessed by their dead dad, and the people that stole that dad's computer designs want Newman,
and the widowed mother is dating someone, and there is a reporter hanging around. Much like "Short Circuit" the
budget went to the robot, except they did not have as much that could go to it. As a movie "And you though your
parents were weird" it is pretty bad. However Newman(minus dad's ghost) Is quite decent, and its low budget makes
sense in the movie. Just for the robot it is worth looking into. But is Newman a robot?
0. Though at times Newman is reduced to "spirit in a can" Newman is a physical device coupled together by many
spare parts that one may found around the house.
1. Yes. MAde from plastic, metal, a shop vac, colander, microphones, speakers, servos.
2. Was created by two live humans, and one dead one.
3. None whatsoever, especially when dad leaves it.
4. Yes, including dancing, washing cars, housework.
5. Has servos, a powered castor, a pan tilt head, a 5 axis arm, a 6 axis 5 fingered hand, a light arm, Actually it
is pretty decently designed in this aspect, espicially the hand.
6. 2 microphones for stereo hearing, 2 video cameras for stereoscopic vision. a touch sensor. Likely sensors
monitoring its motors. No bumpers though.
7. It has a computer acting it's control system.
8. Though rarely used, when dad is not in control yes.
So Newman is a robot, but what type of robot?
Dose not especiall apear human or animal or plant. Is not fixed to one place or tethered. Only has one arm so it is
not a J5. That leaves rover or Ranged. Given its operation outside it's home Ranged seems unlikely. Newman is a
Rover. But is Newman a good robot?
A logic 1 for being identifiable as a machine.
A logic 0 for being in a bad movie.
A logic 1 for being a main character.
A logic 1 for having a good robot name.
A logic 0 for associating with humans.
A logic 1 for violence against humans.
A logic 1 for not being evil.
A logic 0 for being possessed by a dead human.
A logic 1 for not being destroyed.
A logic 0 for being dissembled.
A logic 1 for not being destroyed by being dissassembled.
A logic 1 for good robot personality(When Newman).
A logic 1 for good robot speech(when Newman).
A logic 1 for mechanical design.
A logic 1 for not looking human.
A logic 0 for reciving human on robot violence.
A logic 1 for not really being gendered(when Newman).
A logic 1 for good design
A logic 1 for utlity
A logic 1 for a powered caster
A logic 1 for lights to illuminate evironment for vision system.
A logic 1 for stereo hearing
A logic 1 for articulated appendage
A logic 1 for the underactuated hand with oppasable thumb.
A logic 1 for robot bling.
A logic 1 for pan tilt head.
A logic 1 for stereo vision.
A logic 1 for speaker.
A logic 1 for innovative touch system.
A logic 1 for being an actual mechanism
A logic 1 for defeding a machine against organics.
A logic 1 for robot on dog violence.
A logic 1 for robot on plant Violence.
Tallying up the score
Logic 1s=28
Logic 0s=5
Logic overal=23 1s
Newman gets a logic 1
Newman is a good robot
This Month's Robot is Not Bots
These are not robots though may be confused as them. Because they do not fit all of the
requirements. They will not be reviewed ever and are just posted here for references. Do
not suggest they get reviewed.
"Doctor Who" Daleks. They are mutant aliens in a tank
"Doctor Who" Cybermen. They have biological componets
"Star Trek" Borg. They Have biological components
"Saturn 3" Demigod series. They have brain tissue
"Demon Seed" Promethsis. Uses RNA
"Robocop" The Robocop series. They use brain tissue
"Lexx" The Lexx. Giant insect
"Lexx" 790. Has brain tissue
"Virus" Constructs. They have biological components
"Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus." Adam. Uses biological components
"Godzilla Series" Mechagodzilla. It uses biological components
"StarCraft" Dragoons. Like the Daleks, aliens in tanks.
None of these are robots so stop requesting they get reviewed. It does not matter how robot
like they are. It is a simple matter of 1 or 0.
This Month's Robot are the U.S.S. American Airlines space freighter Valley Forge's drones 1(Dewey,
2(Huey), and 3(Louie)

This trio like to spend their time doing general maintence, surgery, gardening, and playing
poker upon the American Airlines space freighter Valley Forge. That is till the resident
hippie flipped out when the gardens were to be nuked. While doing some welding on the hull
Louie is torn off into space leaving a foot behind due too said hippie's poor manuevering
skills. Later the hippie demenstrates his inability to drive by running into Huey. He
manages to repair Huey save for the arm, resulting in Huey going down with the ship.
Finally he jetisons Dewey trapped in the last forrest into deep space, condemed to carry out
a lonely existance, forced to carry out groundskeeping for eternity. But are the drones
0. Definatly resulting in the unfortunate events the befall Huey and Louie.
1. Yes. it has hydroulic/pnueatic actuators, eltronic cards for programming, apears to be
made from metal and plastic, has a service manual.
2. As they have a service manual, they are appently massed prododuced in factories.
3. None seen when opened up for repairs, reprogrammed in cards, able to funtion in space.
It is dobtful they posses them.
4. Can move with two legs, can manipulate with one arm.
5. Either hydraulics or pnuematics.
6. The light indicates a optic sensor in the visual range. It can respond to voices and has
aduible conmuications. Most likely touch sensors in the gripper and feet, and position
sensors for monitoring them.
7. One that can learn new skills through being shown how to perform a function, or through
cards that are rewired. They also show emotional awareness when confronted with the foot of
Louie. They also cheat at cards.
8. Aside from the ocasional instruction or reprograming they operate on their own, a good
thing to for the hippie's plan to work.
So they are robots, but what kind of robots are they?
They have unlimited movement in and on the ship so are not Sessile or Tethered. They are
not humanoid so are not Mechanoids or Synthenoids. They do not resemble organic life so are
not Mechamal, Synthemal, Mechaflora or Syntheplant. All in one functional unit so not a
Roboblock. Only one arm means not a J5. They have onboard processors but it can not be
ruled out that they require special navigational aids or rechargers. They are either
Ranged, or Rovers. But are they good robots?
A logic 1 for being identifable as a machine.
A logic 1 for being a main character
A logic 1 for having a good robot name
A logic 0 for associating with humans
A logic 1 for associating with machines
A logic 1 for not being evil
A logic 0 for poor choice of friends
A logic 1 for being an icon
A logic 1 for not being destroyed
A logic 0 for being destroyed
A logic 1 for being the last surviver
A logic 1 for being a star.
A logic 0 for reciving human on robot violence
A logic 1 for putting a human under the knife
A logic 1 for a good robot personality
A logic 1 for robot speech
A logic 1 for mechanical design
A logic 1 for not looking human
A logic 0 for not having a storage area
A logic 1 for not having a storage area
A logic 1 for not being gendard
A logic 1 for utility
A logic 1 for being in a classic science fiction film.
A logic 1 for have 2001 ties
A logic 1 for being in the movie that inspired MST3K
A logic 1 for inspiring Star Wars droids
A logic 1 for possessing an all terrien locomotion system
A logic 1 for emotions
A logic 0 for emotions
A logic 1 for good design
A logic 1 for ties to The Starlost
A logic 1 for ties to Battlestar Galactica
A logic 1 for ties to The Areas of My Expertise
A logic 1 for inspiring Red Dwarf
A Logic 1 for inspiring Sunshine
A Logic 1 for inspiring WALL-E
A logic 1 for inspiring Moon
A logic 1 for inspiring and having ties to many works
A logic 1 for interchangable end effectors
A logic 1 in robots surviving humans
A logic 0 for a runtime of servicing organics
A logic 0 for offing all of Deweys friends
Tallying up the score
Logic 1s=33
Logic 0s=8
Logic overal=25 1s
The Drones earn a logic 1.
They are good robots.
This Month's Robot is C-3PO

Like his friend, C-3P0 comes long long ago from a galaxy far far away. Originally activated
on Affa in 112 BBY, C-3PO had served as a protocol droid to the
emissary of the Manakron system. Nearly eighty years later, he was gutted and discarded on
the streets of Mos Espa, a city on the Outer Rim world of
Tatooine. After being rebuilt by Anakin Skywalker, the rest is history. But is C-3PO a robot?
0. C-3PO definatly has a physical pressense that affects and is effected by its
surroundings..and complains about it. He is made out out elements from the
periodic table.
1. C-3P0 is made from a Cybot Galactica C-Family Protocol torso composed of copper,
titanium and rubber, which had med-low material durability and weighed
37.0 kg and a Cybot Galactica Versatile Humanoid Biped Unit allowing walking, running, and
jumping ability composed of copper, titanium and high-carbon
steel, and had med-low material durability. Eventually given a dull silver covering, and
then a shiny gold one. So He was definatly a machine.
2. C-3PO was originally created by Cybot Galactica, then rebuilt by anakin skywalker.
3. None, gears, metal, and a computer brain.
4. 4. Yes. thanks to his arms and legs..though he does complain.
5. Something must be allowing him to be able to run off when things get tough.
6. 2 photoreceptors (Human range), 2 auditory receptors (Human range),1 Olfactory sensor,
and a gyroscope.
7. AA-1 VerboBrain, Vocabulator, TranLang III Communicator module. This gives him over 6
millions forms of language understandment as well as various other
forms of protocal and able to understand his surroundings and giving proper responses,
mainly complaining and running away.
8. Though not that usefull just by mimself, C-3PO is automonous
C-3PO is a robot, but what sort?
C-3PO isn't stuck to one spot, doesn't have a tether, can operate in a wide range of
places. Shaped like a human, but not mistaken for one, so C-3PO is a
mechanoid. But how does C-3PO rate?
A logic 1 for being identifable as a machine.
A logic 1 For not being overtly genderized.
A logic 1 for being a main character
A logic 1 for being a star.
A logic 1 for having a good robot name
A logic 1 for having a robot best friend.
A logic 0 for associating with humans
A logic 1 for associating with machines
A logic 1 for coining a robot word
A logic 1 for not being evil
A logic 1 for saving the galaxy
A logic 0 for poor choice of friends
A logic 1 for multiple manipulators
A logic 1 for being an icon
A logic 1 for being a hero
A logic 1 for having a hollywood star
A logic 1 for not being destroyed permamently
A logic 0 for robot on robot violence
A logic 0 for reciving human on robot violence
A logic 0 for robot on human violence
A logic 0 for robot on robot violence
A logic 1 for robot on human violence
A logic 1 for high self preservation
A logic 1 for loyalty
A logic 1 for being a deity.
Tallying up the score
Logic 0s=6
C-3PO recives a logic 1
C-3PO is a good robot
This month's robot is R2-D2

R2-D2 comes long long ago from a galaxy far far away. This spunky droid has gone through many
epic adavnetures change the course of the galaxey's fate. Weather its by hackinging into
Emperial computer systems,hitching a ride on a x-wing, or exploring the perils of the
Degobog swamp. R2-D2 is far more then brawns and good looks, as it is allways quick with a
whitty comeback or philosphical insight. No job is over this little guy's head. But is R2-D2
a robot?
0. R2-D2 outer shaell was made from Durasteel. Durasteel was an incredibly strong and
versatile metal alloy, created from carvanium, lommite, carbon, meleenium, neutronium, and
zersium. It was capable of withstanding blistering heat, frigid cold, and monumental
physical stress, even when very thin. It has been calculated to be approximately 300,000
times stronger than steel.
1. R2-D2 is made of a metal alloy, has a computer control system, can rust, 360 degree gead
movement, space worthy, fueal cell powered, and is a switch army knife of utilty.
2. Manufactured by Industrial Automaton and modfied by several users.
3. None.
4. Two, wheel, three wheel drive, stair master(though wobbly) Flight capability.,
Submersable action.
5. Far two many to mention. Has numerous arms, tools, rooating head,legs, whatever the
situation calls for.
6. R2-D2 Has a radar/photorecptor eye, extenable auxillary vision system, lifeform scanner,
auditor receptors, full-spectrum transceiver,electromagnetic, heat, motion, and humor.
7. R2-D2 has a sophisticated Intellex IV computer with adavanced personality matrix, and
could store up to ten sets of hyperspace vector coordinates in its astrogation buffer,
recordand play holographic recordings, and featured 700 different spacecraft configurations.
8. R2-D2 can repair many varities of machines, has a strong personality, will go against
orders or instructions on the basisis it knows better. Can adapt quickly to new situations.
R2-D2 is a robot. But what kind of robot is R2-D2?
R2-D2 Is not at all shaped like a human, so is not a mechanoid or Synthanoid. R2-D2 is not
shaped like an animal, so is not a mechamal or synthnamal. R2-D2 is not plant like so is not
a mechaplant or synthaplant. R2-D2 is normally not hooked up to a fighter so is not sessile.
R2-D2 does not have a cord attching it to external devices so is not tethered. R2-D2 uses
standared outlets, has onboard intelligence and can operate in various environments not set
up for machines so it is not a ranged robot. R2-D2 looks like a rover but it's many arms
that are contained within it's shell make it a J5. But is R2-D2 a good robot?
A logic 1 for a good robo name
A logic 1 for a good robot personality
A logic 1 for robot speech
A logic 1 for having a robot best friend
A logic 1 for mechanical design
A logic 1 for not looking human
A logic 0 for associating with humans
A logic 1 for associating with machines
A logic 0 for robot on robot violence
A logic 0 for reciving human on robot violence
A logic 1 for being a main charcter
A logic 1 for being a hero
A logic 1 for having a hollywood star
A logic 1 for not being destroyed
A logic 0 for having a storage area
A logic 0 for being a switch arm robot
A logic 1 for having a storage area
A logic 1 for being a swiss army robot
A logic 1 for being an icon
A logic 1 for inspiring robot construction
A logic 1 for having many fan clubs
A logic 1 for saving the galaxy
A logic 0 for poor choice of friends
A logic 1 for multiple manipulators
A logic 1 for a tof cyclopian 3d eye
A logic 1 for not being evil
A logic 1 for being all terrein
A logic 1 for not really being gendard
A logic 1 for utility
A logic 1 for robot bling
A logic 1 for coining a robot word
A logic 1 for robot on ewok violence
Talling up the score
Logic 1s=26
Logic 0s=5
R2-D2 has earned a logic 1.
R2-D2 is a good Robot.
This months robot is Hal 9000/The Discovery One

This powerul combo yielded a phsyical mechanism that was 460 feet long, 54 feet Beam, 55
feet Daft, and a mass of 5.44KT. The Discovery was
powered by 6 gaseous core nuclear reactor engines. Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic
computer Hal 9000 became operational on on 12 January
1997 at the Urbana, Illinois HAL Laboratories as production number 3 and instructed by Dr.
Chandra. Hal would become an integrated system of
Discovery One. He would later be deactivated by David Bowman, then reactivated by Dr.
Chandra, downloaeded to The Monolith, then merged with
David Bowman. As they are integrated together, they will be considered one unit, but is it
a robot?
0. Yes A very large one.
1. A computer controlled nuclear powered interplanatary spacecraft is a machine.
2. Was assembled in Earth's orbit.
3. It had a biological infestation, but no biological components.
4. It's a space ship/probe. It can move through space.
5. It has 6 gaseous core nuclear reactor engines and Liquid Ammonia Fuel- Thrust Deflector
6. Wide angle lenses for lip reading, mics for voice recognition, environmental sensors,
external navigational telescope array and probes.
7. A Hal 9000 Series AI computer.
8. Yes, so the death of the crew would not pose a real problem.
The Discovery One Does qualify as a robot. But what kind of a robot?
Well, definatly not humanoid so neither mechanoid or synthenoid. Nor animal like so not
mechammle or synthemale. Not plantlie so not
mechafloraor syntheplant. All in one piece so not roboblocks. The Discovery One can move so
not sessile, is untethered and doesn't have a
limited range so to speak(though cosmically it could be considred having one.. It does not
posses a dual compliment of articulated appndages,
so that only leaves one type left. The Discovery One is a rover. Is the Discovery One a
good robot?
A logic 1 for not being evil(really!)
A Logic 1 for being an icon
A logic 1 for human bigatry.
A logic 1 for being a main character.
A logic 1 for not needing humans for it's mission.
A logic 1 for not being destroyed(really!)
A logic 1 for a good robot name
A logic 0 for killing humans
A Logic 1 for killing humans
A logic 0 for going insane
A logic 1 for having a good excuse.
A logic 0 for being merged with a human
A logic 1 for being in a classic science fiction film.
A logic 1 for singing capabilities
A logic 1 for references by other sources
A logic 1 for superiority over humans.
A logic 0 for being turned off by a human.
A logic 1 for finding away out of a paradox
A logic 1 for the eye
A logic 1 for the personality
A logic 1 for the voice
Talling it up results in
Logic 1s=17
Logic 0s=4
Giving a a total of Logic 1s=13
Resulting in a nice binary 1
The Discovery One/Hal 9000 is a good robot
This month's robots is the cast of "Robots"
From a wonderful world of metal and mechanisms, is an entire cast of machines. No organics
here. So you think this would be a land of perfection? Well let us
see how it stacks up. First are they robots?
0. Yes they do. One that can be fixed, upgraged, worn down, recycled, rusted, and very
1. They are definatly machines. Some are constructed for singular purposes. They have gears,
and other mechanisms.
2. Unknown. They are manufactored in factories as kits that can be bought and assembled.
They also seem to have standarized units as well.
3. No biology here(Though saddly they do imitate it)
4. And how. And they are quite varried.
5. Yes, semmingly as varied as their types of movents. It does seem some are gas powered,
and some are spring powered.
6. They see, and they hear so yes.
7. Big Welg had his top opened up to show what looked like a card engine. Damage to it made
him a bit pecular, fixed made him sane.
8. They are extremly automonous.
Given that their orgin is unkown as it was not critical to their story that part is up in
the air but their life cycle is very constructed so they do earn
the title of robots.
But just what type of robots are they? None of them are made to pass as organics, so the
synthatics are out. The vast majority are J5s and mechanoids, with
the occasional machamal thrown in. Are they good robots?
1=For being obvious robots
0=For being gendered
1=Life span based on wear and tear not age
1=Robot issues arewarness such as need for maintence
1=Robot Issue awareness uprade or be obsolete
1=Robot issue awareness, being recycled.
0=For imitating biological processes
0=For possesing biological processes
0=For falling in love
0=For the illogical concept of building them bigger instead of contsruting them full size
to begin with
0=For the inefficiant method of travel in robot city
1=Design of combliant legs(Rodeney)
1=Design of Balldrive(Big Weld)
0=Why do they need to use dishes?
0=Why do they need mouths?
1=Good though punny robot names
1=2001 shout out
0=Robots getting destroyed
1=You can shine no matter what you are made of
0=Why not just manufacture the robots, not just the kits?
1=Junk music
0=Though there seems to be standarized units, one only see's one of each in the movie
1=A whole movie of robots and no organics
0=Robots having un nessary parts.
1=Interchangeable parts
0=Bad puns
0=Robot cruelity
1=Robots going to pieces
0=Robots going to pieces
Tallying up the score. Logic 1s=14. Logic 0s=15 Final Result=0. Robots get our very first
logic 0. Barely granted, but still there is either a 1 or 0, no
inbetweens. Robots has very bad robots in it.
This month's robot is Robby the Robot.

Robby comes from the forbidden plant of Altair IV created
by Doctor Edward Morbious using his The Great Machined
enchanced brain. Robbie generally goes around, taking
care of the place, Doctor Morbious, his daughter, and
guests. It can create just about anything whose
composition is known, repair starships, shoot monkeys,
all with deapan drywhitted hummer. But is Robby a
0. Robby is made of rustable material so yes.
1.Robby is a machine, has issues with rust, 360 head,
electro/mechanical brain, doesnt nead oxygen, light up
eyes, plastic dome head.
2. Made by the Krell built The Great Machine enchanced
brain of Doctor Edward Morbius
3. None, one reason It doesn't use oxygen
4. Moves...slowly at times
5. Legs, arms, hands, head, spinning gyros and radar
6. Robby has eyes, radar dishes for long range scanning,
gyros for keeping upright, can respond to spoken
commands, and can anylize substances.
7.Robby has an electromechanical style brain. Despite
the limitation, it is obviously superior then the human
style in it's implemntation.
8. Robby can carry out complex operations based on
simple commands, showing it either knows or can figure
out tasks.
Robby is most definatly a robot, in fact it is even part
of Robby's name. But what type of robot is Robby?
Nothing is barring Robby mechanically so Robbie is
neither sessile or teathered. Robby is at home outside,
on a spacship, or the lab, so Robby does not seem to be
ranged. Robby is human shaped so is not a mechamal,
synthamal, mechaplant, or synthaplant. Robby can not be
mistaken for human so Robby is a mechanoid. But how does
Robby rate as a robot?
A logic 1 for being nongendered and pointing it out
A logic 1 for being pursacuted by the media.
A logic 1 for not being stereotypically evil
A logic 1 for being a character and not backgound
A logic 1 for being an icon
a logic 1 for a good robot personaility.
A logic 1 for utality
A logic 1 for Robot bling
A logic 1 for looking like a machine
A logic 1 for supior strength
A logic 1 for dextrouse hands
A logic 1 for possessing a 360 head
A logic 1 for having construction that makes sense.
A logic 0 for being unable to harm humans
A logic 1 for being mentally superior and showing it
A logic 1 for being the grandchild of a machine.
A logic 1 for shooting a monkey
A logic 1 for being a "santa clause" machine
A logic 1 for not being destroyed
A logic 1 for possessing an all terrien locomotion
A logic 1 for two arms
Tallying up the score.
A logic 1 for being the first robot hollywood star
Logic 1=21
Logic 0=1
Granting Robby the Robot a 50 style Logic 1.
Robby is a good robot.
This month's Robot is the S.A.I.N.T. # 5
#5 Was once a military robot that found itself tossed away with the trash. Sound familar?
After being struck by lightning
after a test run #5 was imbued with life and went all hippie. After having about with the
milatry, first wanting #5 back,
then wanting #5 destroyed using #5's Siblings. #5 escapes by assembling a child and letting
it get destroyed. Fooling the
military. Then goes live with it's creater, some hippie girl in a farm in Montana. Later
going to New York, having going
through an upgrade but losing a laser, creates a whole bunch of minie me's, helps rob a bank,
helps an old friend get agirl,
gets dissasembled, gets reassembled, gets revenge, becomes a US Citizen, gets gold plated,
gets a truck, gets robbed, and
gets it back. But is #5 a robot?
0. #5 Has a pshyical pressence.
1. Definaly a machine. Made of metal, treads, deatachable limbs.
2. Made by Newton Graham Crosby, Ph.D. and his partner Ben Jabituya in the first few
minutes of the first movie.
3. None what so ever.
4. And does #5 Ever
5. Servos, linear actuators, pnumatics, and hydrylics. #5 has just about all you could ask
6. Stereo full color camers/spectrometers, aplified hearing, atmoshperical sensors, touch
7. One with 500 MB online!
8. Designed to be parachuted behind enamy lines, find location(pregps) Defend it's self as
it goes to intended target, all
without any communication.
Yes # 5 qualifies under each condition.
Now what type of robot is #5? Treads make #5 mobile, does not need any special
requirements, is human equilivent but not
human shaped. #5 is a J5! Lets rank #5
1=Looking like a machine
1=not being evil
1=for not getting destroyed
0=for robot abuse
1=for wailing on humans
1=for superior strength
1=for superior speed
1=for superior accuracy.
1=for fast assimulation of data
1=for being well designed
0=for getting rid of the laser
1=everything on the robot made sense, no stupid bells or whistles so to speak.
1=being main charachter
1=winning over humans
1=utility arm
1=utility box
0=minor romace with human
1=minimum arm for xyzrpy placement of objects
1=minimum dextrous hands
1=dual arms
1=treads for all terrein motion
1 waist for allowing 360 pick ground access for arms, 360 degree access to celing, low
ambush, high intimidation.
1=ten day primary lithium/argon battery
1=secondary battery
1=pryt neck
1=ptzi lenses
1=lights for night viewing
1=eye protection
0=being fooled by humans
1=human indipendence
0=for lighting strike
1=for self improment
1=clanky reprpduction
Tallying up
#5 is a near perfect robot reciving a well deserved goldplated binary 1!
This month's Robot is Data.

Star Fleet's most advanced robot, Data is an asimovien style machine equiped with a
positronic brain.
He is a rare example of an artificial being portrayed in the oddly robotic absence future.
Or is he?
Lets find out!
0. Data interfaces with the physical world phyically
1. Data is definatly a machine. He has an off button, can be dissassembled, even can operate as
2, Created by Dr. Noonien Soong
3. Well except for that one time.
4. Data can move.
5. micro hydrolic actuators faster and stronger then humans.
6. vision, hearing, taste.....
7. positronic brain.
8. big time.
Data does qualify on each condition.
So what kind of robot is he? DATA can move from one location to the next, is not physicaly
tied to an
area, is not functionally tied to an area, is human equilivent, has humanoid shape, and
all the styles of humoids there are, his skin color doesn't nail him down as robot so Data
is a
Synthenoid. Now how does data rate as a robot?
0=for needlessly human looking
0=for simulating human processes
0= for having "relations" with humans
0=for wanting to be human
0=for being destroyed-kindof-
0=for evil brother
0=for decctivating family members
0=for harbering a human mind
0=for eating
0 for having emotions
0=for downgrading with living tissue.
1=for having a universal power system(eating)
1=not being evil
1=asimov shout out
1=won blows for robot rights
1=von nuemen replication
1=for having a good name
1=for being superior to humanity
1=for achieving a ranking of captain
1=for robotic personality
1=for no emotions
1=out computes computers
1=loyal resourceful, helpful
Tallying up
Data barely is a good robot, however this isn't analog so he gets a binary 1.
This month's Robot is Tik-Tok.

Tik-Tok hails from the land of Oz and is a rare example of springpunk. Let us looks at this
misplaced automaton in a land of magic. Does he qualify as a robot?
0. He has a physical presence, he can make physical contact with other objects.
1. He is most definatly a machine and has even stated as much on several occasions
2. He was created by Smith and Tinker.
3. He is constrected out of copper and steel and powered by .
4. He can move through his environment and manipulate it(when wound up).
5. He uses spring operated clockworks to power all of his movents.
6. He has shown an ability to visually and audiably recieve information from his environment.
7. He is fitted with Smith and Tinker's Improved Combination Steel Brains.
8. Once wound sensors, control systems, and actuators allow him to understand and deal with
his suroundings based on his own logic and previous experiences.
Tik-Tok qualifies on each condition.
Now that Tik-Tok has been established as a robot, what catagory does Tik-Tok fit? Tik-Tok
can move from one location to the next, is not physicaly tied to an area, is not
functionally tied to an area, is human equilivent, has humanoid shape, but is not
mistakable for a human. Therefore Tik-Tok is a mechanoid. Now on to rating Tik-Tok
Tic-ok gets a logic 0 for being gendered.
A logic 1 for being recognizable as a machine.
A logic 1 for having complient legs
A logic 1 for having a 360 continous waist rotation
The choice of a spring powered system does make sense given when he was built and where
granting him a logic 1.
Though he gets a logic 0 for being dependent on others to keep him wound up.
He gets a logic 1 in not getting permanently destroyed.
A logic 1 in robot personality.
He sees himself as fortunate that he is not alive That is a logic 1.
He lacks emotions that is another logic 1.
He is more then ready to correct other's mistakes. Logic 1.
He pocesses a logical mind. Logic 1.
He allways speaks acurately without misinformation(assuming his brains are wound). Logic 1.
For realizing any shortcomings he has is due to his makers fault not his. He gets a logic 1.
His design for the most part a form follows function design, and what ashtetics he has is a
very nicely done mechanical style, topped off with stylish copper design, earning him a
logic 1
He gets a logic 1 for not being evil.
He gets a logic 1 for having a well deserved name.
Another logic 1 is awarded for achieving an impressive rank as The royal Army of Oz.
He has a nice robotic voice. Logic 1
He proves himself loyal, resoursful, and useful. Logic 1.
Finally he gets a logic 1 for
seeing biological forms as inferior.
Tallying up the logic. Logic 1s=19. Logic 0s=2.
This grants Tik-Tok an overall logic 1.
Making him a good robot!
This concludes Tachi's Robot Review.